Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sweet Halloween Memories

I'm busy getting all my classroom treats ready for tomorrow....never a dull moment, working up to the last second. I thought I better share some things I have been working on, along with a fun Halloween 12 x12 Scrapbook Page I did on a recent scrapbook retreat. It highlights Halloween 2008 when my mother in law was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer. Kids went to trick or treat her in the hospital, she told the kids she dressed up for them. lol It was last Halloween we got to share with her. Hope you have make some Sweet Memories this Halloween....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

It's Here: Baby Bootie Tutorial

As promised here is the step by step tutorial for the baby booties. They are super cute and so easy to make. Hope you enjoy!

Baby Booties


Wrap ribbon around cup about 2 1/2 inches from the top. I used 12oz foam cups, you can use 8oz for smaller booties. Then use a pencil to mark your line around the cup.

Here is the top of the cup after I cut it off. You can then use it for your pattern, like I did when I made my 50 booties, much easier then measuring each one. Just wrap it around the new cup and mark your lines.

Here is what you are left with, small cup. Next measure 1 1/2 inches apart, mark your lines and cut straight down about 1 1/2 from the top. I have to admit, I didn't measure each line down as I found as long as they were even it didn't matter.

Then take your hole punch and punch each side of your lines....don't go too close, because when you try to tie your will break the foam cup. I learned the hard way!!

Tie your ribbon....project complete!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Punch Art

I thought I would share some of the rest of the punch art animals from the guest book/baby book I've been working on all week. Again, next week I'll try post instructions for each animal. Enjoy!

Front Cover

Friday, October 1, 2010

Baby Steps

Seems like everyone I know is expecting a baby or twins....amazing! I have to admit the baby fever has been sneaking up on me...ugh! I made 50 baby booties and started working on the guestbook/scrapbook tonight for my friends baby shower. She's expecting twins mid December. Lucky for me boy/girl....I know all about that! Just a quick post, I better get back to shower this weekend and I still have plenty to do.

Scrapbook Front Cover