Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas Wishes

This Christmas is especially important to our family as we are struggling with how to make this Christmas as special as we can for my MIL. We found out yesterday after yet another surgery, her cancer is very aggressive.....since her first surgery 8 weeks ago the 50-60 "sand" size tumors are now the size of marbles-golf balls. These are now causing major problems and pain...Our goal is to bring her home before Christmas so we can cherish what time we have left. My heart breaks as I write this....we need to remember how precious life is!! Enjoy every moment with our children, parents and grandparents, we never know when we have to say Goodbye. (I did post a link for those of you interested to my MIL caringbridge blog and our dear friend Dave, who is also struggling with stomach cancer. They were diagnoised one week apart, go to the same church and their kids grew up together....)

I have been struggling to keep my life together in all this craziness as you can see I haven't posted much....I have new catalog stamps still haven't left the box. (So unlike me, especially ones this cute) I know I need to keep the focus on our families. Thank you for everyone for all your wonderful support and kind words, your e-mails mean a lot!

I am happy to say I did get Ashton's Composition books covered for her took me four hours and lots of tape, but they are done! All the paper I purchased at Hobby Lobby. (Sorry) Since I had to make 20, I wanted to do them as cheap as possible! Ashton will be giving these to her classmates along with a matching pen and goodie bag. I hope they are enjoyed by all!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas with Sesame Street

After getting snowed in today I thought I could "Finally" get the kids school Christmas gifts done....I've been putting it off and putting it off. Things have been crazy here!!! (MIL just started Chemo and all the other craziness that comes with the holidays) I have hardly had time to stamp let alone get my Christmas shopping done!!! Anyway, I bought these cute Sesame Street coloring books and thought I would cover crayon boxes to go with them for Aiden and Adison's preschool class. It was a fun afternoon project, the kids got a kick out of it!! The look on Adison's face when they were done was priceless. (Now onto Ashton's class) I hope everyone is having a wonderful Holiday Season!!